So, luckily they have not gone far- just a few metres in to a tree near the hive, they have gathered on a branch in an almost textbook fashion. This does not make us feel less nervous as we get the equipment ready that we will need- ladder, sturdy box, white sheet, empty brood box and frames....
A quick call to Bob, an experienced beekeeper from the NBKA, who kindly agrees to come round to check out what we are doing.
Everything ready and Trev climbs the ladder while I stand under the swarm holding the box. A quick, hard wallop on the branch holding the swarm and they are in the box, a quick turn over onto the sheet, prop one corner up on a rock and the bees begin to crawl in. It works just as the books say it should and in about 40 minutes time the whole lot are in the box!!
The next step is to hive the swarm- the brood box is ready- 4 or 5 frames removed from the centre and the quick way to hive them is to wrap the sheet round the box, carry it to the hive, up end the box over the hive and give a good strong shake into the hive. Remember to put in the entrance block- otherwise they all come falling out! Luckily we did and the bees were in the hive. Lower the frames back in gently and as the bees climb up the frames they settle in. Put on the crown board and roof,remove the entrance block so stragglers from the box can fly in- then leave them alone!!!!
Eventually I did get that coffee, while we watched the bees settle down from a distance. The bees were just doing what came naturally to them, but it was certainly unexpected for us quite so early in the year.
I wish I could say that that was all the excitement the bees gave us last weekend but no there was more to come!
You tell a good tale ..... Can't wait to find out what happens next! R