Wednesday 5 January 2011

Feed the Birds

This friendly robin came to help on the allotment recently. As Rob on his blog has pointed out- the times are hard for birds which rely on getting their food from the frozen ground. This robin has learnt to check out the disturbed earth when gardeners are busy- I only managed to find a couple of worms in the frozen conditions to help him out. At home we have been putting out a range of seeds and fruit to help the birds- water is a problem, the pond has been frozen over for some time. At one time it looked frozen solid- it will be interesting to see what has survived in the springtime. Even though survival is an issue the birds have obviously recognised the winter equinox has passed, the days are lengthening and spring is on the way- the collared doves are pairing up and the robin in the garden is being bossy and territorial!!

1 comment:

  1. Jill thinks your description of the robin describes me!!!!
