Monday 12 April 2010

Spring is here!!

The weather has been great these past few days so have been able to get lots done in the garden and allotment. We have sown various types of squash, tomatoes,aubergines and sweetcorn. The peas and broad beans have been planted out into the allotment. We have also made a raised bed for the asparagus so now I can put a good depth of soil on top - hopefully leading to much longer spears- I can see from last years notes that we cut the first lot of asparagus on the 19th April-this year I think we will have to wait a little longer!

Getting ready for the bees, have our names down for a swarm if one comes by- hive is made and a spot picked out in the garden. Both of us are also prepared in our stylish beesuits!


  1. You both look very professional.
    You both appear to be wearing glasses under your masks, are they that complicated to put on?
    Gem x

  2. The zips are a tricky to get right- glasses needed!
