Sunday, 13 March 2011

Busy Times

A busy and eventful few weeks - a warm welcome to a new member of our family. Rowan Harrison Fulton was born on the 15th February, we now have two amazing grandsons.
Problems with the computer are my excuse for no entries for a while- but time has not stood still in the garden. Spring flowers are thriving, the snowdrops are almost over but native daffodils (Lenten Lily) are now opening along with Hellebores and Cyclamen Coum. The bees have been amazingly active and I have fed them fondant as the hive seemed a bit light. It has been interesting to see which flowers in the garden the bees have visited- so far snowdrops, hellebores, the hazel catkins and a very early white marsh marigold have all provided interest. Mike from nearby thinks the bees on the Mahonia in his garden must be ours! Last year we didn't notice bees taking water from the pond, however in the past week or two there has been a regular stream from the hive to take water. When the bees take fondant they often need water to make it easier for them to 'eat'.