Sunday 5 June 2011

Four Hives

If you are following carefully you will know that we had to take a prime swarm up to the out apiary at Waxwings and leave them in a travelling box for want of any more equipment. This prompted a phone call about the nuc boxes that still hadn't arrived and a call, then a trip to Thorne's in Rand to collect a new hive. Thorne's kindly responded to my desperation and put together a flat pack hive for us- so there was hammering into the night to get brood box, frames etc finished for the next day.
Later on Thursday saw us with Jill and Rob ready to transfer the bees into a lovely new hive- and they were fantastic, they were crammed in the box and drawn all 5 frames of the foundation they had been given.There must have been a sigh of relief as we gave them another 6 frames and the room of a brood box. As an added incentive to stay we gave them a pint of syrup in a contact feeder and left them alone.
So now we have four hives- two at home and two at Waxwings and to simplify things we will call the hives at Waxwings 1 and 2 from now on!!
A quick update on Waxwings 1- brood, egg and stores on 8/9 frames so a super was put on today. There will be lots of forage on site, unseasonably early brambles and lime trees, so we are hopeful that this colony will thrive.

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